Python Fullstack
Who This Course is For and Why to Take It
WHO:Aspiring Python Developers: Individuals looking to start a career in software development will find this course an introduction to Python.Software Engineers: Developers aiming to enhance their skills in Python will benefit from a deeper understanding of Python’s capabilities and ecosystem.Data Scientists and Analysts: Professionals interested in utilizing Python for data analysis, and machine learning, and scientific computing.Web Developers: Professionals aiming to use Python for server-side development, exploring frameworks like Django and Flask for dynamic web applications.Students and Graduates: Recent graduates looking to specialize in Python programming and prepare for diverse software development roles.Automation and DevOps Engineers: Professionals who use automating processes using Python to streamline workflows and enhance productivity.
WHY:This course offers a blend of academic knowledge and IT industry experience, making it suitable for freshers who wish to start working on Python projects with confidence. It covers the essential concepts and practical applications of Python, ensuring that participants meet the entry-level criteria for Python-related interviews. Moreover, this course provides the confidence and skills necessary for freshers to begin contributing to Python projects from their very first day in the industry.
Why Angstrom is the top institute
- Learn from Corporate Trainer
- Logic Development Class Every Sunday Free
- How to create your resume
- How to maintain your LinkedIn / Indeed / Naukri
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- Providing Course wise Assessment only at Angstrom
- How to represent yourself in interview
- Doubt Clear classes anytime everyday
- 100% job assurance
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- Corporate Syllabus
- Incomparable Syllabus
- Learn from MICROSOFT Certified Professional
- Learn secret step for Campus requirement
- Real Industrial Application of using MVC
- Fully Practical and Interactive Session
- Grooming for Project Demonstration in Campus Interview
- Weekly Workshop on Respective module for Skill Development
- Special Guidance for LIVE Project
- Weekly Online Test for Skill Assessment
- An Earning and Learning Opportunity to all.
- SEO Tips, Study Materials
- Industrial Training from the Leader
- Interview based Q & A discussion
- Free Career consultation
Python is dynamically typed, compiled and interpreted, procedural and object-oriented, generalized, general-purpose, platform-independent programming language. Python is a high-level, structured, open-source programming language that can be used for a wide variety of programming tasks.
Dynamically typed: In a dynamically typed programming language, you don’t need to declare the type of a variable before using it.
age = 20 # int name = "raja babu" # str width = 10.4 # float
Note: Python is a dynamically typed programming language.
General Purpose PL: A programming language is considered general-purpose if it can be used for various types of applications. Python is a general-purpose programming language and can be used for:
- GUI Applications (using tkinter)
- Web Applications (using Django)
- Mobile Applications (using Kivy)
- Embedded Applications, Deep Learning (DL), Machine Learning (ML), etc.
from tkinter import * obj = Tk()
Note: Python is a general-purpose programming language.
Course Contents
1.Introduction to Python
3.Data Types
4.Memory Management
5.Control Structure & Control Statement
7.Module & Package
8.File Handling
9. Command Line Argument
10.Exception Handling
11.Class & Object
12.Data Member
13.Member Function / Method
14.Constructor, Destructor & Garbage Collector
15.Operator Overloading
16.Type Conversion
20.Abstract Method & Abstract Class
A database is simply a structured and systematic way of storing information to be accessed, analyzed, transformed, updated and moved (to other databases).
- Types of Data Base Management Soft and Classification
- Codd's Rule (Golden Rule of Database)
- Pure and significand Difference among DBMS, RDBMS, ORDBMS
- What is Table ?
- What is a Record ?
- What is Field ?
- Super Key
- Candidate Key
- Primary Key
- Composite Key
- Secondary or Alternative key
- Non-key Attribute
- Non-prime Attribute
- Normalization
- Problem Without Normalization
- Normalization Rule
- First Normal Form (1NF)
- Second Normal Form (2NF)
- Third Normal Form (3NF)
- Byte and Code Normal Form (BCNF)
- Relationship
- Binary Relationship
- Recursive Relationship
- Ternary Relationship
- Generalization
- Specialization
- Aggregation
- Introduction to SQL
- DDL : Data Definition Language
- DML : Data Manipulation Language
- TCL : Transaction Control Language
- DCL : Data Control Language
- DQL : Data Query Language
- Creating a Database
- Creating a Table
- Datatype and Magnitude
- Data Type and Magnitude with context to Performance of the Database
- Sub Query and Co Related Sub Queries
- WHERE clause
- Operators (Relational(<,<=,>,>=,=,!=), Logical (And, Or, Not), Like, Between, in ,
- Some, Any ,All
- Order By Clause
- Group By Clause
- HAVING Clause
- Distinct keyword
- Concept of NULL
- SQL Functions
- System Define Procedure / Functions
- Join in SQL (Difference between Pro SQL 99 and SQL 99 Standard)
- Inner Join
- Outer Join
- Left Join
- Right Join
- Full Outer Join
- Self-Join
- Cross Apply
- Outer Apply
- SQL Alias
- SQL View & Common Table Expression
- Materialized View and its Use, with context to views, Different types of View i.e. Classification
- SQL Functions and Procedure and there primary difference , Where what to be imposed
- Exception Handling
24.Network Programming
25.Databases Programming
26.Graphical User Interface
27.Data visualization
Django is a free and open-source, Python-based web framework that follows the model–template–views (MTV) architectural pattern. Its primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites.
Django FrameWork
- Introduction & installation
- App and project
- Add templates & static
- jinja.
- Migration in detail.
- Admin in Django
- Views in Django.
- URL Routing.
- Template in Django
- Models in Django.
- Forms in Django.
- Auth
- Session and cookie
- File uploading
- File downloading
- SMS and Mail
- Middleware
- cron job
- pdf generator
- face recognition
- API in python
- REST methods
- Json calling
- Pytest