Who We Are

Angstrom is the largest worldwide provider of training and development solutions.

Our courses are designed to give students the professional and technical skills they need to become a potentially highly compensated IT expert. You can become a capable professional, a part of an exciting future, and a viable career alternative with a good and clear IT view!

Placement Success

Students have been Placed, 450 and still counting!

Global Recruitment

Multinational companies hire from us,450 & list is still growing.

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Meet Our Faculty

Welcome to the Angstromsemiconductor Service and Training Center, where we take pride in our exceptional faculty.

Our team of instructors is the backbone of our success, bringing a wealth of experience, expertise, and passion to the table. Here, we introduce you to the dedicated professionals who make our training programs truly outstanding.


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12 JAN

Big Data

Java continues to play a critical role in Big Data due to its scalability and...

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Our Testimonials

I had an exceptional experience with the Training and Service Center at Angstromsemiconductor Company. From the moment I enrolled in the training program, the level of professionalism and dedication was evident. The instructors were knowledgeable, approachable, and always ready to provide support and guidance.

Anne Doe Smith

Programmer Analyst Trainee